Make print products more intelligently. Save time and produce better publications.
Pieces Add-on. The perfect connection between Adobe InDesign and Adobe InCopy. Pieces allows designers and writters to work at the same document at the same time.
Remote Working. Distribute articles from an InDesign document to different writers located in various parts of the world and allow them to write these articles with Adobe InCopy over internet or just with a web browser.
Workflow. Organize and assign tasks, share text and images and optimizes workflow. Managing, producing and delivering content is easier than ever.
Production Control. Identify bottlenecks and detect where workflows breakdown. Pieces let you know the production status and workflow: creation, editing, review, combination and printing.
Print Publishing. Cross-platform publishing system used to produce periodical publications like magazines, newspapers and catalogs.
Export to Web (CMS). Your contents go straight from InDesign to your CMS.
Download Pieces on Adobe Exchange
When you open a document from Pieces, a base InDesign document opens. You can upload your own base InDesign document with the styles of your publication, page sizes, grids and guides...
You can download the default base document: